Be a Community Builder

Help make Noblesville a community where everyone belongs and thrives.

Lean In

Listen & Learn

Live It Out

It starts by choosing to LEAN IN.

Let us know you’re ready to lean in and build a more welcoming and inclusive community. Get updates by email and follow us on social media.

Get email updates.

The next step is committing to LISTEN & LEARN.

Move toward real understanding and connection by committing to listening well. We cannot overemphasize the importance of listening.

Stretch your understanding and perspective.

  • Embrace a spirit of curiosity, empathy, and understanding.

  • Attend cross-cultural plays, movies, and events.

  • Read articles and books from diverse authors.

  • Attend Noblesville Diversity Coalition gatherings.

  • Subscribe to a variety of news sources and fact check.

  • Visit cultural and historical sites.


Change happens when we live it out.

  • Communicate in ways that draw attention toward understanding and away from division.

  • Think about what you are reading, hearing, and saying. How are individuals and groups of people being characterized?

  • Invite a friend or two to learn together

  • Volunteer and invite friends to join you at NDC events

  • Contribute to the mission of NDC by making a financial donation

Though small in their own way, all these efforts are needed to help Noblesville become a more welcoming and inclusive community. The work is not easy; results will not occur overnight. It takes patience, perseverance, and courage.

Together, we can make Noblesville a welcoming and inclusive community.