Building a More Welcoming and Inclusive Noblesville.

Together, we can make a difference.

  • Civil conversation is critical to building relationships and cultivating a welcoming and inclusive community. Community Conversations is an NDC initiative that brings together people for a rich and meaningful conversation. Each conversation is facilitated by a trained host who guides a small group of community members through a series of thought-provoking questions on various topics.

  • The art of listening is essential in a world of disconnection, multi-tasking, and distraction. Listening is our access to understanding. This series will focus on elevating the stories of various community groups to ensure they are heard and understood. Doing so will make us better neighbors and a more inclusive community as we create a place everyone can call home.

  • We are planning a series of evenings filled with delicious food and diverse cultural experiences. Immerse yourself in a culinary journey that will tantalize your taste buds and open your mind to new flavors and traditions. This in-person event promises to be a feast for all your senses, as you connect with others over a shared love of food and culture. Come hungry, leave inspired!

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